Many people experience dark under-eye circles as a prevalent issue. They can be caused by a variety of factors, such as genetics, lack of sleep, stress, dehydration, and allergies. While there are various treatments available to address this problem, some people prefer natural and home remedies that they can easily do themselves. Here are some effective home remedies for under eyes that can help reduce dark circles and improve the appearance of the skin around the eyes.

Cucumber slices:

Cucumber has natural skin-lightening and astringent properties that can help reduce puffiness and dark circles. Cut cucumber slices and place them on your eyes for 10-15 minutes, allowing the juice to soak into the skin. Repeat this daily for best results.

Tea bags:

The caffeine and antioxidants in tea bags can help reduce dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. Soak two tea bags in warm water, let them cool down, and place them on your closed eyes for 10-15 minutes. Repeat this daily for best results

Potato slices:

Potatoes contain natural bleaching agents that can help lighten dark circles and reduce puffiness. Slice a potato and place the slices on your eyes for 10-15 minutes. Repeat this daily for best results.


Milk contains lactic acid that can help exfoliate the skin and reduce pigmentation. Soak a cotton ball in cold milk and apply it to the under-eye area for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with cold water and repeat this daily for best results.

Aloe vera:

Aloe vera has cooling and moisturizing properties that can help reduce dark circles and puffiness. Apply fresh aloe vera gel to the under-eye area and leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off with cold water. Repeat this daily for best results.

Almond oil:

Almond oil is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants that can help nourish and lighten the skin around the eyes. Gently massage a few drops of almond oil into the skin around your eyes before going to bed. Repeat this daily for best results.

Rose water:

Rose water has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that can help reduce puffiness and dark circles. Soak a cotton ball in rose water and apply it to the under-eye area for 10-15 minutes. Repeat this daily for best results.

In conclusion, these home remedies can be effective in reducing dark circles and improving the appearance of the skin around the eyes. However, it is important to note that results may vary depending on the cause and severity of the dark circles. If your dark circles persist, it is best to consult a dermatologist or healthcare professional for further advice.